Real Dry Waterproofing supports the “St. Patrick’s Parade on the Irish Riviera” – the yearly parade held in Scituate, Massachusetts. The parade attracts residents from all over the surrounding area, and fundraising events in support of the parade take place throughout February and March, all leading up to the main event on St. Patrick’s Day.
Real Dry is a member in good standing of the Parade Fundraising Committee. And we also support the entire fundraising and organizational process in multiple ways, including:
- Design of the primary logo for the parade itself
- Creation of artwork for the annual Sticker Fundraising Drive
- Design, construction, and installation of lighted fundraising signage throughout the area
- Production and distribution of annual “Irish Riviera” t-shirt giveaways
- Sponsorship of the band Dashboard Road on the Real Dry Truck Stage!

Parade Fundraising Sticker 2019
Come join Real Dry Waterproofing at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and day-long celebration in Scituate. And don’t forget to be on the lookout for our always-anticipated Real Dry Truck Float – the one with the magical T-Shirt Gun that shoots free logo shirts into the crowd at key moments along the parade route!

Curt with some of the Real Dry crew and Dashboard Road - 2019

Real Dry Waterproofing Truck Float

Dashboard Road warms up on the Real Dry Truck Stage - 2019

St. Patrick’s Parade on the Irish Riviera Logo

Lighted Fundraising Signage designed and constructed by Real Dry
“St. Patrick’s Parade on the Irish Riviera” Logo and Fundraising Signage design & layout Copyright © Real Dry Waterproofing & Mastercom Design